vague sentence brainly

(68) 1The borders were vague and ill-defined. He now saw that regard for the public good was too vague an object for the satisfaction of a man's affections. Good luck! Eschatology was universalized (God was recognized as the creator and moral governor of all tic the world), individualized (God's judgment was directed, not to nations in a future age, but to individuals in a future life), transcendentalized (the future age was more and more contrasted with the present, and the transition from the one to the other was not expected as the result of historical movements, but of miraculous divine acts), and dogmatized (the attempt was made to systematize in some measure the vague and varied prophetic anticipations). In fact much of the terminology surrounding old books is rather vague. Some children and adults only experience a vague indigestion. This would easily allow clarification of what is 100-years-ago vague without really tampering with the text. At the bottom is the vague feeling that it is man's own self-directed mysterious energy that is at work, however much it needs to be reinforced from without. No. Though they are vague terms that encompass many areas of your business, once you pinpoint what they mean for your success you will watch your bottom line rise. The fact is both versions ended with a battle that leaves things vague and unclear as to the winner. For a format that seemed so spurious in conception and then initially vague upon realization, I'm a Celebrity.. . The Koran, the sole authentic authority in all matters, legal or civil, never accurately distinguished between the sheikh and the cadi, and its phrases, besides, are vague and capable of admitting different and even opposite interpretations. Symptoms are often vague and include (in order of frequency) fatigue, headache, dizziness, sleep disturbances, cardiac symptoms, apathy, nausea, and memory disturbances. It seems most probable, therefore, that the name Cassiterides represents the first vague knowledge of the Greeks that tin was found overseas somewhere in or off western Europe. The key to the mysteries of Egyptian history had indeed been found, thanks to the recent efforts of Thomas Young and Champollion, but the deciphering of inscriptions had not yet progressed far enough to give more than a vague inkling of what was to follow. As he well perceived, the popularity of his name, the vague "legend" of a Napoleon who was at once a democrat, a soldier and a revolutionary hero, was his only strength. His mother wasn't doing well and from what we could gather from his vague conversations, she wasn't expected to recover. In later days the Celtic kings of northern and western Scotland succeeded in holding, on vague conditions of homage to the English crown, the English-speaking region of historic Scotland. Antimony and its compounds formed the subject of an elaborate treatise ascribed to this last writer, who also contributed to our knowledge of the compounds of zinc, bismuth and arsenic. It is based on guidelines, not state legislation, which are vague on detail. This is illustrated by the difficulties inherent in the conception of Cause, Space, Time, Matter, Motion, the Infinite, and the Absolute, and by the" relativity of knowledge,"which precludes knowledge of the Unknowable, since" all thinking is relationing. We have only vague knowledge of these early movements, laboriously gleaned from archaeology, anthropology and philology. Thereafter there occur vague references to Chryse in the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea, &c., but the earliest trace of anything resembling first-hand knowledge concerning the peninsula of Indo-China and Malaya is revealed in the writings of Ptolemy, whose views were mainly derived from those of his predecessor Marinus of Tyre, who in his turn drew his deductions from information supplied to him by the mariner Alexander who, there is every reason to think, had himself voyaged to the Malay Peninsula and beyond. In these, Thompson often makes vague legal threats and slanders his recipients. Men of the second or third generation - often called the " Protestant Scholastics " - work together upon two characteristic doctrines which the fathers of Protestantism left vague. Without resorting to this exaggeration, Mommsen can speak with perfect truth of the " enormous space occupied by the burial vaults of Christian Rome, not surpassed even by the cloacae or sewers of Republican Rome," but the data are too vague to warrant any attempt to define their dimensions. Alfurese, a vague term meaning in the mouths of the natives little else than non-Mahommedan, has been more particularly applied by Dutch philologists to the native speech of certain tribes in Celebes. Google is even more vague on their page, saying "We do not add all submitted URLs to our index, and we cannot make any predictions or guarantees about when or if they will appear.". a vague term of abuse 2 a : not clearly defined, grasped, or understood : indistinct only a vague notion of what's needed also : slight a vague hint of a thickening waistline hasn't the vaguest idea b : not clearly felt or sensed : somewhat subconscious a vague longing 3 : not thinking or expressing one's thoughts clearly or precisely Jolie replied with a "I have a few months" when asked about her due date and replied with a vague "maybe" when Morales questioned her about whether or not she and her family plan on staying in France for the birth. vague Meanings Synonyms Sentences She rolled her eyes at the vague response. The nose was very subdued with some vague hints of a grassy or floral scent. In the school of Saint-Simon we find a great advance on the vague and confused views of the master. But that description does not describe; it is too vague, too general, too indefinite. Cometary records of a vague kind go back in China to 2296 B.C. It was not till the 5th that Napoleon received tidings of his advance, and for the moment these were so vague that he contented himself by warning the remainder of his forces to be prepared to move on the 6th. If you leave him any sort of message, make it short and very simple, and VAGUE. It seems to have soon passed out of use as a precise geographical designation; for though occasionally mentioned by Apocryphal writers, by Josephus, and by Eusebius, the allusions are all vague, and show that those who made them had no definite knowledge of Gilead proper. If your terms are too vague on your plan, you might end up having your money and estate go to the wrong person because you were not name-specific. Softness of outline, warmth of colouring, a fine and almost voluptuous feeling for beauty of every kind, and a pleading and melancholy tenderness-such were the elements of the spell which he threw round the sympathies of his reader, and which his compatriots expressed by the vague but expressive word blanditia. John was brought back to Freiburg (April 27), and there in vain attempted to appease the wrath which he had aroused by more or less vague promises of resignation. But the title of emperor was also used in the middle ages, and is still used, in a loose and vague sense, without any ecclesiastical connotation or hint of connexion with Rome (the two attributes which should properly distinguish an emperor), and merely in order to designate a non-European ruler with a large extent of territory. The explanation of this is that the plebeians had long been organized, like the patricians, in genies, and nothing remained distinctive of the old nobility except a vague sense of dignity and worth. The Eastern Church affirms belief in an intermediate state after death, but the belief is otherwise as vague as the expressions of the pre-Nicene fathers on the subject. He seemed vague about the source of the quotation. Anger filled him. Their vague pantheism landed them in moral confusion, and many of them were marked by fierce fanaticism. It's much like tying shoes; you could tell someone how to do it, and they might have a vague idea. He held that the air, with its variety of contents, its universal presence, its vague associations in popular fancy with the phenomena of life and growth, is the source of all that exists. There have been recently no discoveries to rival in novelty those which followed the exploration of the bonecaves and drift-gravels, and which effected an instant revolution in all accepted theories of man's antiquity, substituting for a chronology of centuries a vague computation of hundreds of thousands of years. The aim of his inquiries was to promote the happiness of mankind, which could be better accomplished by pointing out the real possibilities of progress than by indulging in vague dreams of perfectibility apart from the actual facts which condition human life. The mention of Israel on the stele of Merenptah, discovered by Petrie in 1896 (" Israel [Ysirael] is desolated; its seed [or] is not "), is too vague and indefinite in its terms to throw any light on the question of the Exodus. All these terms, including the usual one of bacteria, are unsatisfactory; for " bacterium," " bacillus " and " micrococcus " have narrow technical meanings, and the other terms are too vague to be scientific. As bands like Dashboard Confessional and Fallout Boy enjoyed wide success, the term emo became even more amorphous, with bands being labeled "emo" for having only a vague resemblance to other emo artists or a stereotypical emo image. The painting showed a vague resemblance to the Mayflower in parts. Something vague and confused, which he could not at all account for, had come over him with the capture of that officer and the blow he had dealt him. Other prophets confine themselves to vague and general predictions, but the author of Daniel is strikingly particular as to detail in everything relating to the period in which he lived, i.e. In western New Guinea, according to the Dutch missionaries, there is a vague notion of a universal spirit, practically represented Spirit by several malevolent powers, as Manoin, the mostn the woods; Narw, in the worship. The watchfulness of the court was, however, aroused, and on the discovery of the Rye House Plot, Sidney, who had always been regarded in a vague way as dangerous, was arrested while at dinner on the 26th of June 1683. What is a vague pronoun? The seven earlier ones are all more or less obsolescent, and their very number shows that the meaning of the word was very vague. Talk to your tattoo artist about ideas to help them take shape, if you have a more vague impression. There, beyond the Great Wall, a large but scattered population of native Christians had found a refuge from the persecutions of KiaKing, to be united half a century later in a vast but vague apostolic vicariate. (74) She couldn't help but be a little vague. The Fastest thing Alive has a rather vague and suggestive back-story with a plethora of variations available as to his exact origin and location. The modern name is Bahr Lut or "Sea of Lot" - a name hardly to be explained as a survival of a vague tradition of the patriarch, but more probably due to the literary influences of the Hebrew Scriptures and the Koran filtering through to the modern inhabitants or their ancestors. In the Platonic and Aristotelian systems, too, the theory of ideas involved an absolute separation between the material world and the world of higher reality, and though the term Logos is found the conception is vague and undeveloped. Often, they start out as small amounts of bleeding, or vague abdominal pains that might then become more intense. It is, however, as vague as it is violent, and it does not seem to have had any effect. All the commonly occurring elements and compounds appear to have received notice by the alchemists; but the writings assigned to the alchemical period are generally so vague and indefinite that it is difficult to determine the true value of the results obtained. My blind date's vague description did not help me locate him in the crowded restaurant. The intent of this kind of statement is to create a favorable impression in the minds of message recipients. Their resolution was vague and patchy, with a token nod to socialism. On the 6th of May 1791 occurred the painful scene in the House of Commons, in which Burke renounced his friendship. The data afforded by Eudoxus, however, are far too vague to serve as the basis of any chronological conclusion. Give me a sentence about vague Advertisement Answer 18 people found it helpful fantasyakath2007 Answer: She rolled her eyes at the vague response. It must have a foundation on which to operate, and it grabs onto a few simple choices much more quickly than a dozen vague ones. If the answers to your questions sound vague ask for clarification. Beware the buzzwords and vague promises, or worse, excuses and stories about how they "almost" helped clients make it to page one. Mankind was supposed by Anaximander to have sprung from some other species of animals, probably aquatic. Even Ptolemy had a vague conception of a force tending toward the centre of the earth which not only kept bodies upon its surface, but in some way upheld the order of the universe. D) All of the tables in the cafeteria had been turned over by them. Letters that are to vague are likely to be overlooked and thrown into the trash bin.In addition, the letter should be signed by either the director of your organization or a board member. In other words, vague pronouns can cause confusion as they do not refer to a specific noun in the sentence. He urged that history is not to be treated as an exact science, and that the effects of individual character and the operations of the human will necessarily render generalizations vague and consequently useless. No general census has ever been taken in Ecuador, and estimates are little better than vague conjectures. : She packs bag and baggage and leaves with a vague address for a relative in the big city. This turned out to be vague aspirations to grow the Fife economy. Although vagueness often occurs unintentionally, it may also be employed as a deliberate rhetorical strategy to avoid dealing with an issue or responding directly to a question. Their language is vague and allegorical, full of allusions and pious Mussulman invocations; the author continually announces that he is about to speak without mystery or reserve, but all the same never gives any precise details of the secrets he professes to reveal. Someone who gives vague answers or avoids answering your questions is trying to hide something. Simply teaching autistic children about friendships is too vague. 376-391, but the total impression which they leave is vague. (72) My vague memory of you. Narrow-minded Christian consciences, however, could not stay long on this level; law was so very much more satisfying a guide than vague, elusive charity. The Scots, on the other hand, were resolved not to allow of, the introduction of usages which had not prevailed in earlier times, and to keep the tie as vague and loose as possible. Also you need to be specific - vague hints will not do. In this vague design he was encouraged by Gerbert, the greatest scholar of the day, whom, as Silvester II., he raised to the papal throne. The majority of these theories are too vague to be profitably discussed in an article like the present, but there can be little doubt that the study of thermoelectricity affords one of the most promising roads to the discovery of the true relations between heat and electricity. 235 116 ; A way to rewrite the sentence is: ; Yolanda saw her friend and smiled. The exact meaning of active is somewhat vague at the moment. He returned to Switzerland in July 1788, cherishing vague schemes of fresh literary activity; but genuine sorrow caused by the death of his friend Deyverdun interfered with steady work, nor was it easy for him to fix on a new subject which should be at once congenial and proportioned to his powers; while the premonitory mutterings of the great thunderstorm of the French Revolution, which reverberated in hollow echoes even through ' An anonymous pamphlet, entitled Observations on the three last volumes of the Roman History, appeared in 1788; Disney's Sermon, with Strictures, in 1790; and Whitaker's Review, in 1791. His real history remains unknown; we have only Ferrerius, who is vague, and the late and slanderous gossip of the writers of the Reformation. In this way, however, though the distinctions drawn may still be comparatively vague, there existed in the schools a Peripatetic tradition to set over against the Neoplatonic influence of John the Scot, and amongst the earliest remains of Scholastic thought we find this tradition asserting itself somewhat vigorously. Rather than being vague and general, create customized objectives for each opening, or at least each type of job you are applying for. Ere rationalismus vulgaris fell before the combined assault of Schleiermacher's subjective theology and the deeper historical insight of the Hegelians, it had found a refuge successively in the Kantian postulates of the practical reason, and in the vague but earnest faith-philosophy of Jacobi. The vague stir of these movements had perturbed Mutesa, and they were regarded with deep suspicion by his successor, Mwanga. Some vague recollection of known historical events ( 3 end) might be claimed among the traditions ascribed to the closing centuries of the second millennium, but the view that the prelude to the monarchy was an era when individual leaders " judged " all Israel finds no support in the older narratives, where the heroes of the age (whose correct sequence is uncertain) enjoy only a local fame. Greece for her part had a minor objective in Epirus - a region of which the northern limit was vague - and as a major objective Salonika and the Aegean littoral beyond, not to mention more remote objects in Asia Minor. His terminology was vague and provoked caustic criticism from Berzelius; he assumed that all molecules contained two atoms, and consequently the atomic weights deduced from vapour density determinations of sulphur, mercury, arsenic, and phosphorus were quite different from those established by gravimetric and other methods. She was beyond tired. In Ptolemy, too, appears along with Gir (possibly the Shari) a certain Nigir (NL'yap) as one of the largest rivers of the interior; but so vague is his description that it is impossible definitely to identify it with the Niger.'. It seems now surprising that vague counting by generations should so long have prevailed and satisfied the wants of inquiring men, and that so simple, precise and seemingly obvious a plan as counting by years, the largest natural division of time, did not occur to any investigator before Eratosthenes. The wording of the provision is vague to say the least. What are vague pronouns? Panic-stricken for a moment, the government issued a manifesto proclaiming Liberal principles and promising in vague language all manner of political reforms (October 30, 1905), and when the inordinate expectations created by this extraordinary document were not at once realized, preparations were made for overthrowing the existing regime by means of an armed insurrection. Don't make vague goals, make them specific. By Federal law, travel companies must list all the terms and conditions in their advertisements, but they often use vague or confusing terms. Though the vague plan for an invasion of England fell to the ground Ulm and Austerlitz obliterated Trafalgar, and the camp at Boulogne put the best military resources he had ever commanded at Napoleons disposal. Being devoid of all attributes, it can be the object only of meditation, not of practical devotional rites; and philosophy can only attempt to characterize it in general and vague terms, as in the favourite formula which makes it to be sachchidananda, i.e. Some, for instance, may consider that the chamois and the so-called white goat of the Rocky Mountains are entitled to be included in the group; but this is not the view held by the authors of the Book of Antelopes referred to below; and, as a matter of fact, the term is only a vague designation for a number of more or less distinct groups of hollow-horned ruminants which do not come under the designation of cattle, sheep or goats; and in reality there ought to be a distinct English groupname for each subfamily into which "antelopes" are subdivided. He was quiet, and her thoughts wandered to Anshan and her alleged, vague duty to the people. Its a rather vague term to put into Google. This vague objective statement wouldn't capture the attention of the person reading your resume. Yet when we include under a common name two eras so distinct as this and that preceding, our term becomes so vague as to be almost valueless. Therefore, you wil interview a minimum of 3 and a maximu ncf7 respondents. The other was that vague and quite Russian feeling of contempt for everything conventional, artificial, and human--for everything the majority of men regard as the greatest good in the world. Constance Moore Vera Vague SONGS I've never forgotten The Lady With A Mop Oh Henry What Makes You Beautiful, Beautiful? Our earlier notices of Sicily, of Sicels and Sicans, in the Homeric poems and elsewhere, are vague and legendary. It was therefore surprising when, in 1877, Simon Newcomb found, by a study of the lunar eclipses handed down by Ptolemy and those observed by the Arabians - data much more reliable than the vague accounts of ancient solar eclipses - that the actual apparent acceleration was only about 8.3". HiHiHis own messengers brought him vague news of unrest from the battlefront and news of there being new opponents at the battle. Even her nightmares had been vague, with an unidentified entity stalking her. It is possible that these more vague symptoms are caused by anxiety about either being or not being pregnant. Vague pronouns are actually seen in sentences whereby the pronoun does not clearly refer to any specific person or thing in the given sentence. It has been assumed that these seven kings exercised a certain superiority over a large part of England, but if such superiority existed it is certain that it was extremely vague and was unaccompanied by any unity of organization. Waving, meandering and shifting synthesizer tones are his main ingredients, despite the vague piano tinkle in ' Prophet Making ' . There is a somewhat vague dividing line, in popular nomenclature, between "shrubs" and "trees," the former term being usually applied to plants with several stems, of lower height, and bushy in growth. Such vague notions began to take more definite shape as the ferment theory of Cagniard de la Tour (1828), Schwann (1837) and Pasteur made way, especially in the hands of the last-named savant. For example, much as archaeology has increased our knowledge of the conditions obtaining in Palestine before the Hebrew invasion, it has so far contributed nothing to our knowledge of the Hebrew nation before that time beyond the statement in the now famous stele of Merenptah (Mineptah) (c.1270 s.c.), discovered in 1896, "Ysirael is desolated, its seed is not," and a few possible but vague and uncertain allusions to particular tribes. The result, since the feudal and ecclesiastical systems had become closely interwoven, aiid the frontier between the religious and secular spheres must ever be vague and undefined, was the conflict between the spiritual and temporal powers which, for two centuries to come, was to tear Europe into warring factions (see the articles CHURCH HIsToRY; PAPACY; INVESTITURE). Vague comments prevent other guys from getting to know you. It is a vague principle, of which the ethical character depends on the interpretation; and it was variously interpreted in the school of Saint-Simon. The story of two Venetians, Nicolo and Antonio Zeno, who gave a vague account of voyages in the northern seas in the end of the 13th century, is no longer to be accepted as history. The great mass of the people were distinguished quite roughly into four classes, social strata, of which the boundary lines were vague and uncertain. I wonder if she has any vague idea of colour--any reminiscent impression of light and sound. 1040 252 I don't have a vague recollection of either game. Unfortunately everything had been left so vague, that it was an easy matter for ultra-royalists like Svane and Nansen to ignore the privileges of the Estates, and even the Estates themselves. The symptoms of chronic leukemia are generally vague and non-specific. Discover some glittering generalities examples and learn more about this communication device. The meanings of these words weren't vague; they didn't exist. This consists of two books, and may be called the foundation of theoretical mechanics, for the previous contributions of Aristotle were comparatively vague and unscientific. The goal is to make a vague comment either stated as a question through a rising intonation as through you were asking of a question. Early in 18 20 a revolutionary movement was set on foot, and vague plans of combined risings all over Italy and a war with Austria were talked of. For purposes of precise scientific investigation the study of spectra is generally more suitable than the vague and unsatisfactory estimates of colour, which differ with different observers. Lacing moves around from the front to the back, but the corset look on dresses stays in style and nearly always has a vague throwback to this peasant look, even if it's a high-style designer dress. There is a vague liberal notion about letting people have what they want. I don't have a vague recollection of either game. This makes for very flabby, vague writing and impedes the reader's ability to understand exactly what you mean. Her pretty face was puzzled, and he frowned. Don't give them a lot of rules to follow, just give them craft supplies and a vague idea of something to do if they need guidance. HERE'S YOUR ANSWER The week after this I noticed she was very emotional and became vague. A vague pronoun is one whose antecedent in a sentence is not clear.In other words, we do not know to whom the pronoun refers. Turning now to the native chronicles of the Mexican nations, these are records going back to the 12th or 13th century, with some vague but not worthless recollections of national events from times some centuries earlier. The vague Egyptian year, however, continued in use in native documents for some centuries along with the Alexandrian lonian year. According to the tradition, which Herodotus quotes sceptically, this was accomplished; but the story is too vague to be accepted as more than a possibility. . In other words, the somewhat vague sense of spiritual power and impressiveness hardened into the conception of sacred books united in a sacred volume. I have only a vague recollection of either game. The week after this I noticed she was very emotional and became vague. 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vague sentence brainly